we push and pull like a magnet do

Jan 19, 2017 23:45

One of the animals has peed on my bed AGAIN. I can't tell if it happened for sure today or earlier. I want to say it happened today because I THINK I would have noticed it in my bed while I slept but mom mentioned it smelled like ammonia down here a couple mornings ago. I looked around but couldn't find anything and wondered if the melt we've been having made something thaw and ... rot? outside my window. But no, there's definitely pee. But it doesn't SMELL like ammonia which is why I'm unsure of which one it is.

I could see some crystals on my duvet cover, though, and I have a feeling it's Gracie. I'll call the vet in the morning but I THINK at first I'll try switching up her food and bringing her off the dry food, maybe for good. You'd think for a cat with no teeth she'd shun the dry in favour of the wet but, nope. She often has chunks of the wet left over in her dish but I need to refill her dry every day (she gets literally a handful of dry a day and one tiny can of wet every two days). She's SO picky about the wet, too. She'll eat a pate version of some kind of food, I can't remember the name. Like, I know she'll eat when she's hungry but I don't want a can of food to sit in her bowl for three days getting crusty before she gives in, especially if I have to start buying more expensive canned stuff.

It's not an issue to take her to the vet but I have a feeling they'll tell me to do this anyway so as long as they don't push me bringing her in right away I'll switch her food over and see how things go. Just stop peeing on my bed!

So, yeah. As I said, a chinook blew through this week (literally, we have wind warnings and everything) and raised the temps from -45 and lower from last week to +10 these past couple days. And, as I said, the roads have been shiiiiiiiit because no one knows how to maintain them properly in the winter.

Yesterday morning I went into work and saw our parking lot (which has a low-medium slope when you drive in) was a sheet of ice. I parked fine, though. About a half hour after I arrived I was still the only one there and the delivery guy (the owner's dad, actually) arrived for his weekly run between our three sites and, welp. The ice took the truck and he slid across the ice and wouldn't you know it, his truck was pressed up against my car. Like, literally. It didn't hit it so much as the tire landed first and it slowly pushed into it and my car slid forward to the bumper thing you see in front of stores to stop you from jumping the sidewalk.

I was totally zen about it because after all the bullshit I've been through with car accidents I was like, "Oh? Cool." I wasn't in it and that's the only thing that matters.

My poor car, you guys. ALL my cars are poor cars, tbh. You can see how I'm pushed up against the curb thing because it's practically hidden by my bumper. I didn't park that far forward when I got in. I couldn't hop over it, either, bc my car's pretty low and WHOOPS! There goes the undercarriage, LOL.

And just to get the full effect...

You can see the tire RIGHT THERE. Like, it was PRESSED against my car but the only thing I saw were smudges in the dirt, LOL. BUT when I was checking it for THIS damage I noticed a bit from when I hit the low brick wall at the Indian place a couple weeks ago that I didn't notice at the time. I think I was just so relieved not to see my bumper hanging off my car (I didn't hit it THAT hard, more of a bounce off) that I didn't check further. Eh, it's a lease and I know Hyundai wants my car SUPER bad to sell it to buyers in the States right now because things are a bit cheaper. Whatevs.

The driver got one of the guys at the other shop to put chains on the mini-forklift thing (unless they normally have chains on the tires??) and drive across the street to hitch on to the back of the truck. The managed to shift the truck enough that I maneuvered my way out and around to the other side of the parking lot. Learning curves, man.

Does anyone know if there's a way to change the version of English in the free version of Grammarly? I love using it but it's taking Canadian/British English a bit too far for my liking.

Finally, how about a good 'ole meme dump?

I'm too busy accidentally dozing off in my office to play garbage can basketball. :\

This is more representative of my old job, obvs. LOL


I don't know if this is helpful or hurtful knowledge considering what's happening in the next 18 hours...


Actual representation of my life every night.


I laughed SO HARD the first time I saw this.


Pretty sure the last three or four memes are a series.

EVERY. DAMN. DAY. Except I generally don't cut people off.

I don't think I'm overly-emotional or evil, tho...

fandom: meme dump, life: grace, life: i got this!job, life: weather, life: 2017, life: coconut, life: car search

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