It got away from me...

Aug 01, 2016 23:55

I had to do some work today, stuff I should have done last week to have it out of the way, but if given a day to do something I'll wait until 11:59 before I'm done. :\ That meant I had to check my email and I saw some stuff that I could have done without seeing until tomorrow. Nothing bad, just stuff that started triggering my anxiety.

I hope that tomorrow I'll have an offer for a job and I can be rid of everything so please keep me in your thoughts, send some good vibes out into the universe. I'm relatively certain (like- 94%) that I'm getting hired by this company, I just don't know if it'll be TOMORROW since my contact is on vacation, same as me. I'm so impatient about this.

I want to send an email off to A's boyfriend, as well, and touch base to be like--hey, I know you said three months at the inset but is there any new news and I might be taking another job so... I'll still ask him to keep me in the loop for when things DO start happening with them because I don't know if I've genuinely started hating selling or if it's just my current job so I might want to make another change as soon as it comes up.

I shouldn't think of this stuff before I have to go to bed.

I WAS going to keep this post about what I've watched in the past 24 hours but my brain and fingers had other ideas in mind. Last night I figured I'd start Stranger Things since so many people have been talking about it.

I liked it, and I'd like to see it get another season (and since it's Netflix the odds of that NOT happening are minuscule). The nostalgia didn't hit me as much as it did other people, I guess, but I guess that's because there weren't THAT many things in the show that I felt made it SO 80's. Yeah, the phone was stuck to the wall and the fashions were a bit out of date but it didn't feel so weird.

I was most surprised that the first season is only eight episodes! I didn't realize until it was over! The whole episode I kept waiting for something else to happen to "set up" the second half of the mystery/story but when it was tied up into a somewhat neatly wrapped package (if a second season didn't happen which won't happen). I liked a lot of the characters and there were great performances from just about everyone! Winona Ryder was especially good and goddamn, she hasn't aged at all.

I also finished the first season of The Tunnel. Clemence Posey's character REALLY grew on me and now that I've started season 2 I find her ADORABLE and AWESOME. I love how she learns how to be more human and how she's not confused by it. Like, maybe she is inside but when the people around her who she TRUSTS tell her to do something differently or ACT differently she does it, even if she doesn't see the value in it. She's basicaly Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory except not annoying or a baby about everything. Maybe more like Dexter? Except not homicidal. And she doesn't really TRY to fit in so... okay. Like, a mix between Dexter and Sheldon?

ANYWAY. I found the first season storyline's conclusion a bit out of place and I wish it hadn't played out as it did because I think it undermined the strength of TT's plans. But I'm not a psychopath so maybe it was dead on. *shrugs*

The character interactions are where it's at, for sure. I'm already two episodes into season 2 and enjoying it quite a bit. I hope there's a third season!

Finally, I just got back from seeing Jason Bourne. It was also the first time we tried prime/reserved seating. I don't know if there's a difference between the two but I think those terms might be interchangable. I'd love to have reserved seating but the "prime" seating was stupid. My group are back row people. Then there's no one behind you and you've got the most room to see the screen. The "prime" seats for the theatre we were in were eight rows from the top which is a MASSIVE difference in viewing. We also had bigger, more "comfortable" seats but, honestly, it SO wasn't worth it.

It's a Bourne movie, which means there's lots of shaky cam work and rapid-movement fight scenes. I tried to lean my head back on the seat to see as much as I could but the seat was so big that it wasn't a good position for me, but I kept trying. If the chain would allow ANY seat to be reserved I'd be on that SO fast. I've sat in a chair with a broken seat before at a movie because it was the best seat. If the movie is good enough I won't even notice the shitty seat.

The movie itself was okay, the epitome of "second verse, same as the first" (or, in this case, fourth verse). There was lots of action but the story is every other Bourne movie and the car chase scene was ridiculous. Like, Fast and the Furious levels of ridiculous.

I'd watch another (which I'm sure will happen) and I think the theatre is the best place to watch it, but luckily I'll have a few years to wait for it.

Does Tuesday HAVE to happen?

life: grownup job!, movies: 2016, tv shows: the tunnel, tv shows: stranger things

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