Slowest week ever?

Jul 13, 2016 23:45

Usually Thursday is when I start bemoaning how long the week is but today I woke up and couldn't believe it's only Wednesday. ONLY WEDNESDAY.

C has given back the booking computer for that other network I DO NOT WANT TO DO. But I have to at the moment because I'm the only person who knows what the hell is up with it. Although the company is hiring and paying this person wage plus benefits out of OUR plan so I don't know how the hell that's going to work when it's our controlling owner's company and has NOTHING to do with the rest of our newsgroup.

I guess they've already gotten a couple applicants, which is promising, and more than they can say for the sales manager position they have open. It's been advertised since C left and they've had... two? applicants. No one on this earth who knows anything about our business wants to work for us. Not in the position that's a goddamn revolving door.

To make things even more head-scratchingly hilarious they're running a giant full page ad right now for that position and a sales rep (for what I don't know, the ones we have now have taken quite the hit to their pocketbooks). It's a black and white ad with bright green accent text on it. The top half is ALLLL writing and says "It's not how BAD you want it. It's how HARD you work for it."

The first two things I saw when I looked at that ad was BAD and HARD. Who the FUCK wants to work at a place where THOSE are the key selling points of a position?

I've been trying to think of a question to asked the guy I met last week from the rival company. Know how it's said that when you go for a job interview you should ask a question so you seem engaged? My problem is that I don't know what to ask. I don't want to ask something about the position that's not officially formed yet or ask about benefits or something so it has to be somewhat general. I had something I wanted to ask at the sit down we had but by the time I had an opening to ask it I forgot what it was. I just roll with the punches, you know?

But I think tomorrow I'll send him an email anyway to touch base and thank him for seeing me last week. I don't think he's forgotten about me but I want to spur him on to see if he'll let me know what was discussed with the boss on Monday. And if I should continue my job search in retail and other circles of hell.

In non-work related news I only have FOUR episodes of Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries left and I don't know if I want to watch them. I DON'T WANT IT TO BE OVER! I didn't realize how short the third season was when I started it so I was burning through them until I LOOKED and was HORRIFIED. PLEASE LET THERE BE A FOURTH SEASON! I read on Wiki or something that the cast is open to another season and a movie (??) but I don't know how long ago that was or how quickly Australian TV moves in terms of production and I'm considering never letting it end by never watching the last four episodes.

It's just SO GOOD. *cries*

life: grownup job!, tv shows: miss fisher's murder mysteries, life: job search 2016

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