This one is kind of a no-brainer. Teen Wolf for SURE and, to a lesser extent, Shadowhunters (and against everything I have in me but goddammit, there's something about cheesy supernatural drama that I just CAN'T STAY AWAY FROM).
On the subject of tv/supernatural drama... Arrow.
I haven't kept up with the show since before Christmas. During the holidays I caught up with The Flash and Arrow right to the crossover. But then I stopped watching because I couldn't be bothered to figure out which order the episodes were in and I thought I'd pick it up later.
I haven't been super into Arrow this season, to be honest, and it's a show I do better with if I marathon it but it has a lot of low, boring moments for me. I'm not really here for Oliver being all self-sacrificing but at the same time holier-than-thou. All of the characters have been poorly written at times and I'm not a huge fan of how big Felicity has become as a result of the fans. It just feels way to self-serving on behalf of the writers/producers.
I heard someone was going to die on the show and saw the spec on ONTD that it was going to be Laurel or her dad on the show. I didn't think they'd really kill off Laurel but, when I consider the show, they've done NOTHING with her character in a long time. Like, her biggest arc was the Black Canary thing and that basically happened over three episodes and then she was part of the team, end of story.
So I caught the last half of the episode tonight, not really knowing what was going on, and got to see her get killed off--in the LAMEST FUCKING WAY. She was used to further Oliver and Felicity as a character all while basically reducing herself to just one of Oliver Queen's marks on his bedpost.
I went to delete the rest of the Arrow episodes from my DVR because she was one of the biggest reasons why I even started watching in the first place but also pretty much the only reason why I continued at times, but it turns out that I must have had the record set to a channel we don't have anymore because I don't have any episodes saved on there. Soooo... guess my dvr solved that issue for me.
At the moment The Flash is more entertaining (and less dark... also Darhk--ha HA!) although I'm behind on that show, too, and haven't even started on Legends of Tomorrow yet so I'll wait until it's over and marathon all of the episodes.
I was just having a conversation at lunch with a couple co-workers about how "meh" I am about DC stuff (like, I hate Superman. I find him so fucking boring and useless) but the TV shows are okay. Although I also only got through a couple episodes of Supergirl before peacing out and now I've dropped Arrow. And if LoT doesn't grab me the only thing I've got is The Flash. Pretty sure I'm okay with that.
On the keyboard front I took back the other one to Best Buy. I think they must have had issues with the keyboards before or have had to deal with their "in-store brand" having issues because the associate didn't push me at all to simply exchange the keyboard and even said that sometimes with their in-store brand it's 50/50 on whether it works well.
I went to Superstore and bought a Logitech instead that I saw yesterday when I was browsing. Same amount, $30, and so far it's awesome! The keys are flatter and much easier to touch and they DON'T STICK or whatever the other one was doing. The opposite of sticking? The only thing that's going to be weird to get used to on this one is that the keys are all a bit further apart than usual, although now that I look at the keyboard I think the keys themselves are just a bit smaller so it's like they have more space between them but in actuality don't.
How does something so small cause such grief in our lives?
Finally, I saw Zootopia tonight with a friend, B. I loved it! During the scene when they go to visit one of the missing mammals' yoga studio B was laughing the absolute loudest, just getting the biggest kick out of the whole scene. It's funny to see a football-esque built dude with a ZZ Top beard laughing his ass off at what's supposed to be a kid's movie.