Meme day 9

Mar 22, 2016 23:54

Pet peeves? Do you have all day to read my massive list?

- laziness
- slow drivers
- pen clickers
- whistlers
- smacking on food or gum while talking on the phone
- hypocrisy
- when my phone doesn't connect automatically to the blue tooth in my car
- people who talk on their phones while they drive
- knuckle cracking
- slow people in general
- when someone takes the bathroom stall RIGHT BESIDE YOURS and there are at least two other empty ones so there's a buffer between you
- people interjecting themselves into your conversation when it's clear they're not involved
- people who can't solve their own problems, or at least attempt to
- autocorrect when I'm trying to text/tweet in a hurry

I'm sure I could go on but then my list of pet peeves will turn into one.

I think I'm going to save tonight's episode of Shadowhunters until tomorrow so I can focus on it without the pressure of needing to go to bed first. I finished watching season 1 of Project Runway tonight, instead, which I've never seen. That season was SO weird compared to the recent ones. You can see the difference between the production and how the show is steered by producers between then and now but also how it was more fun in the earlier seasons, before it was taken over by Lifetime. I'm starting on season 2 now and I've seen most of the seasons from then on but I'd never seen the infamous Wendy Pepper season so I had to go back and give it a go. SHE WAS SUCH A BITCH.

Anything exciting happening for you guys in the past couple of days?

tv shows: shadowhunters, tv shows: project runway, fandom: memes

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