Something interesting

Mar 06, 2016 23:48

icecoldrain posted about a different kind of friending meme than I've seen before.

It's called the "Circling the Wagons Friending meme".

Go to this post and comment with "I'm in"; there are 5 rules.

RULE 1. If you answer the post you must friend everyone else who answers and they should friend you back. The OP will make a list in a week or two for everyone to access

RULE 2. Being/having been, a part of the Buffy/Angel fandom is suggested but not a deal breaker. (I used to be in the Buffy fandom but OBVIOUSLY have fallen in love with other things but I'm down with having a more acive flist in general)

RULE 3. After you have "met" your new friends (and given them a fair chance) if you feel you have nothing in common with them, you are free to unfriend them with no hard feelings.

RULE 4. You must promote this post in your LJ with a link to the OP's post.

RULE 5. After you have made new friends, you must post an "all about me" post, as an introduction. In this post give as much or as little info as you are comfortable giving.

So fingers crossed we can make some new friends and expand our lj family.


Dear self: don't open a bag of sweet & salty kettle corn at 11pm whilst watching Last Week Tonight with John Oliver thinking you won't eat half the fucking bag right before bed. :\


The job I applied for closes tomorrow. I don't know how long it generally takes a place to sort through their applications and get back to potential hirees. It's explicitly stated that only people selected for an interview will be contacted so that's even more nerve-wracking.

Now that I've applied for this job and I'm in the mindset that it's not IF I'm leaving but WHEN I've kind of given up at work. Like, I don't want to try or do ANYTHING and that's the worst. I just want to be out of there. I was clearly just waiting for the go ahead which was C resigning. I wanna gooooooooo.

I'm ready to move on for myself but also because it feels so much like we're in a sinking boat and trying desperately to bail out the water but no one's plugging the holes. I'm ready to pitch myself overboard and swim for shore. Sorry, bailers left behind. I'm out, yo.


I hope my Discovery playlist on Spotify is better this week. The past couple have been booooooring and lame.

tv shows: last week tonight, life: grownup job!, fandom: de/friending, music: random, fandom: memes, life: job search 2016

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