I don't have any great end-of-the-year memes to post or ones I particularly want to fill out. I loved Teen Wolf and Jessica Jones. Work became more of a burden this year and I've been in the midst of questioning where to go next (maybe think about life beyond this city for the first time in a while?). I've been dealing with my health, both physical and mental. I'm likely to get a hysterectomy next year and I'm hoping that things with my head get better as a result. I also need to get seriously serious about my weight.
dontjudgeme, I've been thinking about those calendar chart things you make, help?
So yeah, that's where I am at this very moment. Content at the very least. Lucky and privileged at the very best because I have health better than many, a bed to sleep in, a roof over my head, pets and friends and family, and a job that's relatively secure and has benefits and a pension. Things could be incredibly worse and for all of those things I'm SO thankful.
Here's a ficlet I found that I vaguely remember writing in the past couple weeks but I don't know why or for what or why it wasn't posted.
The challenge is to find new dangers
G, Gen, 380-ish words
Set between s2-3 when there was some fanon that Stiles hung out with Derek that summer.
Finally Stiles stopped pacing in front of the door and just stared at it, taking in the odd version of Derek's triskele. The perverted version.
"God, how is it so stuffy in here? You'd think for a house with as many holes as this one h-"
Stiles caught Derek's eye and stopped talking, barely refraining from wincing.
"I just don't know how you guys can take it, since you run so hot," he finished lamely.
"It can get kind of warm, I guess," Isaac threw in, barely looking up from the book he was listlessly paging through.
"Do you mind?" Stiles asked, jerking his head toward the front door. Derek didn't say anything but nodded in the slightest possible fashion.
Stiles picked up his book and once he opened the door he paced between the entryway and what used to be the living room, enjoying the evening summer breeze. The sound of his footsteps and turning pages filled the silence between the three of them.
Ten minutes later Stiles slammed his book shut with a frustrated sigh but continued pacing, running the few facts they knew about the Alpha pack through his mind. He knew there had to be a clue somewhere they were missing or a way to learn more about the oncoming storm headed at them.
Finally Stiles stopped pacing in front of the door and just stared at it, taking in the odd version of Derek's triskele. The perverted version.
The one that meant the worst for everyone in the pack and their town.
"You've got to cover that," Stiles said without thinking.
Derek and Isaac both looked up.
"What are you talking about?" Isaac asked.
"No one but us and Peter have seen this, right? We can't keep this stuff on here. It's like an omen of the worst possible shit to come," Stiles said.
"Stiles-" Derek started.
"No. We're not going into this feeling hopeless and like we're going to lose. This has to be covered. Besides, it could use a coat of paint or something, right? Just... act like this isn't something we can't handle."
Stiles tossed his book on the old sofa and grabbed his keys before leaving without another word. Isaac wisely kept his own gaze down while Derek stared at the open door.
The next day when Stiles returned to keep researching the house smelled of fresh paint and the door was bright red.
The color of a challenge.
Finally, I'll jump on board that meme revival that's been going around to give me a push to keep posting each and every day in the nex month and to kick off 2016 with a positive start.
Give me topics/subjects/questions to talk about. Nothing is off limits. Seriously, nothing.
Jan 01:
lorilann: What's your favorite meal/food to prepare?
Jan 02:
ragnarok_08: Favorite childhood TV show?
Jan 03:
ragnarok_08: Movie that you're looking forward to seeing in 2016?
Jan 04:
theron09: If you could choose any show that's ended/cancelled to bring back, which would you pick?
Jan 05:
ellie_nor: What is the best thing, in your opinion, that happened in the year of your birth (apart from your birth ;-) )?
Jan 06:
Jan 07:
Jan 08:
Jan 09:
megan_moonlight: 5 current favourite songs
Jan 10:
icecoldrain: What are your top five most inspirational movies?
Jan 11:
Jan 12:
Jan 13:
Jan 14:
megan_moonlight: 5 favourite fics you've written
Jan 15:
lorilann: Is there a new show you're looking forward to viewing?
Jan 16:
Jan 17:
Jan 18:
Jan 19:
Jan 20:
lorilann: What's a book that you enjoyed past or present?
Jan 21:
Jan 22:
Jan 23:
Jan 24:
Jan 25:
Jan 26:
icecoldrain: If you had one wish, what would you wish for and why?
Jan 27:
Jan 28:
Jan 29:
Jan 30:
Jan 31: