I've had a productive evening overall! I delivered ALL of my Christmas gifts to my aunt's house, wrapped and done and out of my hair. I did the last one last night. Mom and I still have to get my uncle a GC but she can wrap that. I'm done. I didn't even want to do the tree this year, because it was my turn, so mom said she'd do it. She's not feeling particularly festive this year, either, but she said she's always had a tree, even when she was on her own. Welp, it's two days before Christmas now and the tree has barely been breathed on since she said she'd put it up. I wonder where I get my lack of motivation to see things through from....?
Work is both the best and worst this week because it's quiet and not busy but it's going by SO SLOWLY. I just want it to be Thursday afternoon so I can go home for 10 days or so. I'm doing bits of work here and there but suffering from an extreme case of distraction. I'm basically that dog in Up, "SQUIRREL!"
Just looked down and saw melted chocolate on my chest from about 5 hours ago. I'm an adult! :D
Last day for doing requested Advent days! I've been spending the evening finishing up my challenge at
gameofcards, then making things for
under_xmas_tree and for
hamarakissa who asked for Either a friends only banner to swatch out with my current of Skye "Daisy Johnson for AoS using her power.
I wasn't 100% sure if you'll like these (tried for a slightly comic book-y look) so I made a couple icons, too.