Advent Calendar 2015: Day 11

Dec 12, 2015 02:22

Come on down, dreamwishdo! It's your day on The Price of the Advent Calendar is Riiiiight!

Yeah, I'm a little loopy right now and headed to bed right away, LOL. Went to my mom's office Christmas party tonight since it was free but I didn't know anyone else aside from my mom and the owners. OH. And a former boss of mine works in her building doing... something. He used to be the creative supervisor when I was in that department and he was pretty fucking shitty. He still is. So that was fun. Nice small talk. He asked me if I was still with the company in a way that made me think he was ready to pounce and start trashing the place.

Like, dude? You quit/got fired (don't really know what happened there, honestly) so just get the fuck over it. But he's one of those people who's perpetually miring in his own discontent so I'm sure 20 years from now he'll continue to talk about how horrible a place it is to work.


Dreamwishdo asked for Teen Wolf --> Stydia is my ultimate favorite ship.

Wasn't sure if you would prefer one with or without text so you get both!

life: grownup job!, life: mom, life: christmas 2015, fandom: advent 2015, fandom: challenges

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