Today was a better day, although super busy and my head felt constantly in another place. I was three hours late because I had to be here for the tv/internet guy to show up and get us faster internet. I thought it would only take one hour, nope.
But that was fine. Got to work and it was go go go go. Went by quickly, although I didn't get anything done that I need to so Monday morning will be busy again and my boss will be back so I have to make sure I focus and don't let her distract me. LOL Not very often you hear that, right? But she's my biggest attention grabber when I let her.
Tomorrow I'm going to D's with friends and we're going to have a trivia and make-your-own nacho night. I'm pretty jazzed about it.
More adulting this evening: I ate skin off a rotisserie chicken for the nachos tomorrow and a Ben & Jerry's ice cream for supper. WIN!
Have a ficlet:
Derek/Stiles, R, 150-ish words, NSFW image
Inspired by
this post from thebeaconhillsboys on tumblr.
Stiles: I feel like ENG301 is tempting fate by teaching us Beowulf.
Stiles: Like, dragons?
Stiles: nhft
Derek: I don’t know what that means.
Derek: Shouldn’t you be paying attention? Not texting?
Stiles: back of class, movie playing. terrible.
Stiles: not here for that
Derek: for what?
Stiles: nhft
Stiles: come on, Der-bear, b a cool kid
Derek: you’re not cool
Stiles: u think u wound but I know I’m not
Stiles: doin anything later?
Derek: Not much, why?
Stiles: no lacrosse ;p
Derek: I know.
Stiles: how, creeper?
Derek: You left your shorts here
Stiles: yuk, sry. Must smell.
Derek: I don’t mind.
Derek: Stiles?
Derek: Stiles, you still in class?
Stiles: ON my way. Sdnly dont feel good. Sick note.
Derek: Oh?
Stiles: can’t focus w a fckin hard on
Derek: Drive safe.
Stiles: ... i can’t even make a joke right now.
Stiles: be ready
Derek: Always am.