stydia is hosting a
friending meme.
• I got to meet and hold a chinchilla for the first time today. Adorbs.
• I popped into Sally's Beauty Supply tonight for nail polish remover (BEST stuff ever and doesn't smell horrendous) and ended up stumbling into a $1/bottle sale on some China Glaze so I allowed myself to buy four bottles. I haven't bought hardly any new bottles in well over a year because I kind of went overboard in my nail art phase.
• I also found a green hairdye that I loved so much that I bought it and now have some green hair. Chartreuse, actually. That's the colour car I wanted and now it's on my head. Full circle?
• There's a union gathering tomorrow evening at D's family restaurant but she's not going to be there cause of some stuff at work that no one knows about yet and she's weird about it. I don't know if I want to go just cause I don't think I want to go, LOL. I asked A to go with me but tax season is ending this week in Canada so she's working tomorrow and is tired. I asked Todd but he didn't text back and I"m kind of seeing it as a sign to stay home and do noooooooothing.
• Parting words as I was leaving today from one of the union reps, "we'll have the hockey game on!" Yeah, cause I ... don't own a tv?
• A week from right now I'll be watching Avengers: Age of Ultron. Hopefully I can stay spoiler free until then!
• Speaking of, if I actually was a fan of/watched/cared about Grey's Anatomy I'd be PISSED right now if I'd been even an hour behind in catching last night's episode. Cause, holy fucking spoilers, batman.