I'm having some wicked cases of sometimers lately.
The best way I can describe it, how I tried to for D, was that it feels like I'm in the middle of a merry go round. One of those playground ones, not a carousel. And everything in my brain is spinning around on it s quickly it's blurring and I'm in the dead centre, and all I want to do is get OUT of the middle. Outside of the merry go round. But the blur is all the thoughts and ideas and things I have to do.
I get so caught up in what I have to do that when I have to pee I forget about it for literally hours. It's ridiculous. The anti-anxiety meds are supposed to help with that and I think they are, to a point, because when I'm in the middle of the merry go round I don't feel like I'm going to trip balls. I just watch it all blur around me. So... small steps?
But none of this is a BAD thing, it's just that my head is a very busy place right now and sometimes I don't know how to deal with it and the things going on. Or, rather, how to prioritize them. That's the shitty part.
Anyway, have a meme!
multi-fandom friending meme