Had a great day. Had to work but it was a good day. Had a food day, ice cream cake, got messages from friends, a visit from A, streamers and grumpy cat around my desk... yeah. I have truly felt incredibly loved by the people close to me in my life and so lucky to have them around me.
I posted pictures for a challenge at
gameofcards so I'll repost them here for shits and giggles.
Day 1- A photo of you today
Day 6- Your favorite shoes
I can’t wear them right now because it’s way too hot but in the winter these babies are bitchin’!
Day 7- an item you purchased recently
I love my cat but I don’t love her $40-a-bag enough, I guess. Plus this was one of the only brands of cat food that was reasonably priced that didn’t list by-product first in their ingredients. Literally winner winner, chicken dinner!
Day 9- Your room
A shitty panorama that didn’t work out right.
So here’s another of part of the room.
Day 11- Your bookshelf
My bookshelf is kind of lame. See?
So here’s part of my DVD collection. Not shown: the rest of my tv on DVD and blu-ray.
Day 13- Something you don’t leave the house without
Day 19- Something you love
My Gracie.
Day 24- Something important to you
My anti-depressants.
Day 30- A photo of a Pet or animal
She’s brand new! Coconut!