How my new co-worker started a conversation this afternoon. I like her, she can stay.
I posted caps from Monday's episode
here last night!
If you have anything you'd like to prompt me with between now and the 29th my list is wide open! Comment
plumerri asked for "Five TW episodes that you would recommend to a newcomer!"
01) 1x01 - Wolf Moon, aka: Pilot!
I always enjoy a pilot episode, even if the show has changed course in the six+ months since it was originally shot and the second episode is DRASTICALLY different both in tone and production values.
TW didn't really suffer from this, probably because it was ordered to series right away, I think, and didn't have to be approved and shopped to the network.
So, yes. Pilot. There's no character development or anything, obviously, because we don't KNOW the characters yet but that's why it's important! It's good to know who's who before the nitty-gritty stuff gets going and there's a buttload of stuff that happens in the pilot that becomes rather important.
Like the "Teen Wolf"becoming the... er, Teen Wolf. Plus we get to know his motley band of mischiefs who help him either directly as a result of knowing who he is or indirectly by just being on the show.
Um, I don't know if I really made any sense in that paragraph so just go with me here. Pilot.
02) 1x12 - Code Breaker
This isn't to say that the entirety of season 1 is a write-off but there are other, more important episodes in later season and, really, you can pretty much pick up on what's been going on throughout by the finale. I think. I'm not as objective as I could be, I guess, cause I KNOW what happens.
But yeah, season 1 is a lot of learning for Scott and co. For him it's learning how to be a werewolf (control issues and the burden of BEING a werewolf) and for everyone else it's either being oblivious or trying to KEEP everyone oblivious.
The finale really sets up the next season with the developments that occur. Villains are slain, heroes are made, revelations uncovered.
03) 2x04 - Abomination
This episode is key for the season 2 villain set up that needs to happen. But it's not just the villain that's happening, there's a lot of other character things going on, as well. Things happening to people that make you wonder whodunit. Or, rather, whoisit?
Plus the new leader of the pack (vroom vroom!) has to train his newbies which is also a season-long event, not least of all because it's rather uneven in how it's handled, but it all leads up to something at the end of the season that sets up the season 3 *hand waves* stuff.
In this episode we've got some character development, some romance stuff, some "am I crazy?"stuff and REVELATIONS!! *waggly fingers*
04) 2x10 - Fury
This episode is pretty important because shit with the big bad for the season goes down. We learn who they're in cahoots with and it's all very dramatic and bloody.
But beyond that the setting also pits core characters against each other because of other conflict, too. So that adds an extra element of "oh shit"and it's quite heart-achy.
But wait! There's more! Turns out there's more than one cahoot-er in with the cahoot-ee by the end, character conflicts become deeper and, oh shit, someone is back!
05) 3x06 - Motel California
I think this episode is probably the best for the first half of season 3? Well, it's not, but it's most representative without being too vague from the start and too explain-y from the end. Cause otherwise I'd PROBABLY have picked 3x10 - The Overlooked but you need a little more backstory for it to make sense.
So 3x06. It's the second half of a kind of two-parter but it's easier to follow since there's things that happen after the events of 3x06 that make it less thick with flashbacks and "what the fuck-ness”.
This one also has SOME flashbacks but it kind of makes more sense since they're more of another character figuring out what happened in the previous episode for himself so he's going in as blind as a casual viewer would be. Well, in theory.
This episode frustratingly deepens some character storylines for reasons explained later but in this episode you're all, "oh, haha! Now we know some more stuff and yay! That will be useful later." But not in retrospect.
This episode shows the far-reaches of the season's big bad and how it's a bad thing for everyone involved in the life of werewolves in Beacon Hills and really solidifies the ties between the humans and the supernatural in this episode. So this episode is also relationship-heavy but not, like, romance-wise. It just shows the close bonds of everyone and nothing is better for that than one of the scenes near the end of the episode that would make even a casual viewer a little verklempt, I think.
So if you were to watch this AND 3x10 to get a vague idea of season 3 you'd probably get the gist of it? But I dont't think you could watch either separately and not be a) unfulfilled and b) confused.
06) 3x15 - Galvanize
It's only the third episode of this part of season 3 but out of the three that have aired I think it's the best so far and I'd venture as far as saying my fave out of the series? Definitely ONE of my faves.
This episode after the previous five (or six?) would explain a few things about characters from the first half of the season. Actually a lot of things. Relationships, where some characters have gone, the new ones and how they're fitting into the current relationships between existing characters, etc.
It's also QUITE funny and creepy at once. There's some romance and action and while there are a lot of LOGICAL questions about how things go down it's not that bad plot-wise, I didn't think.
So yeah, I'd recommend those episodes to a newbie. OBVIOUSLY I'd recommend watching the whole thing since it's a show with supernatural creatures and missing episodes means missing backstory and canon info and whatnot that (sometimes) makes it easier to understand later episodes.