I did very little to celebrate, ngl. I'm even skipping the city fireworks for the first time since I moved out here. They're pretty cool but, really, if you've seen them once... Plus I've already taken my melatonin so I'm going to be hitting the hay pretty quick, I think.
I saw "The Heat" on Saturday and it was a lot of fun. Just the right amount of raunch for me without crossing the line. Last night I went to see "White House Down" and I loved it. I love action movies like that. Roland Emmerich does totally over the top, often non-sensical & ridiculous movies but I don't care. It was funny and Channing Tatum spends a good chunk of time in a dirty tank top, so.
Today I got to eat ALL THE SUSHI. Saw my friend Todd for the first time in a couple months, since he's working two jobs now for 12-14 days stretches because he's CRAZY and good at what he does. He's in customer service but he's SO GOOD at it. He's one of those dream employees. Dedicated, quick, eager to learn. So good. It was awesome seeing him. Next time I'll see him is on the 13th when I have my birthday party! Woo!
After that I got a fancy screen protector for my phone (one with a lifetime warranty that gets sealed on with a hairdryer), got some froyo with mom and now here I am. I spent some time laying out in the sun this morning in the 30+ degree weather (THIRTY-SEVEN tomorrow!) and it was lovely until I started sweating more than I do when I'm at the gym.
I've been having all the feels lately over Sterek fics and the prom episode of BtVS. Heart-clenchy, sniffly feelings. So good. Wish I could rec some of the fics but I read them, then they're gone.
Since they filmed this episode and 306 together it seems, looking back, that this is the set up to something more intense next week.
I've seen some criticism of the episode, as far as the construction of it, and I can't help but agree. This is probably my least fave of the season thus far. I understand why the episode played out as it did, though. It allowed for more suspense (although who really, truly believed Derek was dead? That kind of tease through an episode is a bit of a cop-out) but also a way to flash between the info happening without needing to film each scene in its entirety.
I'm not sure starting out the episode where they did, on the bus, helped because it tossed the viewer into the middle of things in such a jolting fashion that we were trying to figure out what the fuck was going on, instead of being focused on what WAS going on. Um, know what I mean? Reading that sentence back it's a bit confusing but I'm too tired to re-explain.
So yeah. I'll get a better handle on things when I rewatch tomorrow as I cap, but this episode wasn't as strong as I hoped it would be but I think, when 306 is viewed with this episode in mind, it will lead to a better episode.