Aug 01, 2012 19:02
If there's one goddamn thing they need to teach in schools, something NO ONE ever truly tried to teach me when I was younger-- ONE THING I would say to every single freaking kid in the world LEARN HOW TO MANAGE YOUR GODDAMN MONEY.
Stocks, bonds, dividends, investments, basic budgeting, need versus want, have verses have not.
I'm HORRIBLE with my money and a lot of that has to do with my mom not being good with hers and not talking about it. Here she is at 56 with no job, no money to draw on, no savings, trying to sell her house JUST TO BREAK EVEN and having to BEG for $5000 from friends and family to PAY TO SELL HER HOUSE. She is making NO MONEY off this sale, just paying off what she has left to owe. Unfortunately she has to pay off the line of credit associated with it, for the closing fees, for the taxes left on it...
I don't want to be like this at her age. I feel SO BAD right now but the thing is, I'm not much better off. I just don't have anything anyone can take away from me. I rent, I lease my car, I have $60,000 in student loan debts--BRING IT! I don't know if I live like that because I don't want to be tied down to big things I own or because I truly just don't have the money--I don't know.
I got a financial advisor last year so I have someone in my corner with my $50 a month I'm putting away.
That's a start?
Please think good thoughts for my mom. All she wants is a job she can do well and to feel like she has a purpose again.
I don't want to be like that.
life: money,
life: wtfery,
life: mom,
life: summer 2012,
life: i'm a big kid now,
life: rants,
life: family