Originally posted by
lovelylaura23 at
Canada Is About To Pass Sopa’s Evil Little Brother. Politely. I’m a Canadian.
We’re a quiet bunch; prone to enjoying hockey, drinking stronger beer than our friends south of the border, and lovers of fries smothered in cheese curds and gravy.
We also, apparently, have an inferiority complex when it comes to being evil dirt bags, because we’ve decided to pass our very own version of SOPA up here.
Only better*
Bill-C11. Formerly Bill C-32. (I think they thought if they made the number lower people would care less about it?)
Or as we call it up here; Her Royal Majesty V, Zzzzzzz
We like our politics dry up here.
But, as innocuous as it sounds, C-11 does a whole lot that SOPA did with a few extra twists you might not find in the Wikipedia write-up.
Like your PVR? You can’t keep it under C-11.
Like ripping CDs to your iPod? Say bye-bye.
Hey, do you want to be able to unlock your $500 smartphone and take it to a provider less dedicated to violating your wallet? That won’t be allowed either.
Did you get accused of internet piracy but no evidence has been presented and a trial date hasn’t even been set? Under C-11 your ISP will now be forced to terminate your internet access.
And people say that governments can’t be bought.
We’re not going to get Google or Wikipedia to go dark up here. We don’t have as robust a tech industry to act as a public counterbalance to entertainment industry interests. We have a Prime Minister (that’s French for Dear Leader under the current regime) who doesn’t give a suckling goat what the people think about his policies.
But we do have a lot more recourse in our political system to make politicians pay than our Yankee brethren do. (Yes I know I just insulted everyone south of the Mason Dixon line. I’m sorry. You trying caring about foreign geographical terminology when every person you’ve ever met from a particular country still thinks it’s the height of hilarity to ask if you live in an igloo.) We have things like votes of no confidence that can really bugger up a sitting House member’s day.
So, if you’re Canadian, or you’re friends with a Canadian, or you just really like bacon, click the link at the bottom of this article and share it with as many people as you can.
We can’t afford to lose on this one, Canada.
Winners Go Home And Fuck The Prom Queen
-Sean Connery
And he would know.
*And by better, I mean shockingly, horrifyingly worse.
http://www.ccer.ca/canadian-copyright-reform/canadian-copyright-reform-back-with-vengeance/ There are only 14 days left people. Get active.
Updated 10:10 PM Mountain Time
For those who are complaining that C-11 as written isn’t SOPA-like enough to warrant this comparison, please read
http://www.michaelgeist.ca/content/view/6257/125/ before commenting. Things have changed drastically with respect to this bill in the last week; the really ugly stuff (which has been publicly discussed by members of the C-11 committee.) is in the unpublished modifications in the wake of SOPA’s defeat stateside.
here and
REBLOG ON TUMBLR Mods, so I know this is technically political, but since SOPA got a shitload of coverage here, Canada should get the same.