Caps: Misfits 306 (1153), 1280x720, review & picspam

Dec 05, 2011 22:14

My Advent calendar so far:

Day 1: enablelove
Day 3: fuckyeahshelly
Day 4: jocosa

Only 20 days until Christmas, y'all. I can't believe it's coming so quickly! It will be here before we know it. I'm most excited to have a bazillion four day weeks coming up. This week I'm taking Friday off, then we get the 23rd off in lieu of the 25th, the 26th and the 2nd. Holy jeez.

I'm actually looking forward to January because that's when my benefits through work reset. Because of my physio I blow through my paramedical coverage in a heartbeat. I'm going to go to a chiropractor for the first time. There's this guy who's a stone's throw from the news who does this thing called TBM (Total Body Modification). My boss heard about it when she had to change chiros on account of hers getting charged, blah, blah, blah (it wasn't client-related, it was a personal matter that was dropped--neither here, nor there) and he told her that he could cure her allergies. She's got a couple wicked ones to eggs and her own sweat due to her hormones being fucked up.

This dude has cured people of celiac, peanut allergies, um... other stuff. It sounds SUPER hokey but it's totally true. My boss went last week to get "harmonized" (seriously, sounds fucking whacked) first and she was almost completely hive-free for the few days she was here before she left for Vegas for a marathon. She hasn't gone a day spot-free in years. This week she'll get officially treated for her allergies and from there she should be good to go.

AD is celiac and she's so excited to go on Wednesday to be treated. If this works she won't have to worry about avoiding so many foods! And even if she has to be treated like, once a year that's still AMAZING.

I want to go get harmonized more than anything, which is him fixing the "blown fuses" in your body. By moving your arms and legs and doing something akin to fluffing your hair he can tell if you're pre-diabetic or your ovaries don't work right or if your kidneys are okay--it's so fucking weird. Even though four people from my office have gone since last week and all reported the same things I'm still all- "Nuh uh! FUck off!"

But it's one thing to look forward to for January. And we all need a few of those, eh?

This episode seemed a bit off to me. I liked it but overall I felt this episode was out of place.

I'm still very ambivalent about Rudy. I realized while watching this episode that I don't miss Nathan and part of that might be because Rudy's around but I don't think he's replaced Nathan any more. I just don't love Rudy the way a lot of other people do. I will say I like nice Rudy more than rude Rudy, though. I didn't MIND his story this episode but I wasn't fussed about it, either. It was a bit funny, though. Also, he and Simon don't have the same chemistry or awesome relationship that Simon and Nathan did, and I DO miss that.

I wish the scenes between Kelly and Seth didn't feel so lackluster. They cut away during their sex scene and their interaction was almost like walking through molasses. I wish she was written to be more into him since this relationship is different than the one she sort of had with Nathan and the brief fling with... uh, monkey dude.

On that note I really, really, REALLY hope that what Kelly and Seth have going won't be fucked up by next week's episode. I don't want the zombie girlfriend not being a zombie and her taking him back, or her eating him, or Kelly and Seth just not working out the way she and Nathan did or ANYTHING. He's CLEARLY into Kelly and only doing this out of a twisted sense of obligation and guilt (aren't all zombie resurrections born of these things? And horniness, I suppose.) so if the writers fuck that up I'll be pissed. I want Kelly to fight for him and for Seth to be like, "Oh, shit. I screwed up. Let's go to Morocco." (Strange thing but I kept going on about Morocco last week when my boss and I were tossing around countries to profile for our Christmas book and she kept going on about how it wasn't really a country and I was like, "Yeah huh!" and then told her why I liked Morocco and it's pretty much because they speak french there and are a monarchy, which is weird because I don't like french [although I want to learn it, go figure] and don't care about monarchies in general but that family is so pretty).

Anyway. Long story short--please let Kelly be happy and have a hot guy in her life who's actually crazy about her.

Don't really know what to think about Curtis' whole deal. I am hoping that once the zombie thing is figured out next week that he'll take his power back because I kind of liked that Curtis. I really liked his episode and him finding out more about himself by not being himself. Or maybe he'll take the power to turn back time again because I think the power to bring back the dead is a little more horrific then turning back time. In the right person, of course. PLUS if they go through the whole episode and Curtis doesn't even MENTION bringing back Nikki I'll be pissed.

All that said I'm actually really looking forward to the episode next week. It would be pretty funny if the new probation officer shows up just in time to get their throat ripped out by the rabid cheerleaders.

There's still one more episode after next week, si?

* 1280x720 caps
* Uploaded to my own personal site.
* Comment and credit if taking/using.
* The biggie- NO HOTLINKING. Don't be a bastard and make me replace my sample caps with a bright and gaudy "I'm a thief, ask me how!" message.


Misfits 306 set 1 (384 caps ~ MB) // Misfits 306 set 2 (384 caps ~ MB) // Misfits 306 set 3 (385 caps ~ MB) // gallery

life: grownup job!, life: health, life: christmas 2011, tv shows: misfits, fandom: memes, caps: misfits

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