Caps: The Secret Circle 109 "Balcoin" (1233), 1280x720, review & picspam

Nov 11, 2011 00:59

Instead of doing holiday cards which I'd start out writing with good intentions, only to end up with them in a pile under my desk after 6 months, I'm doing an Advent Caldendar instead. Go check out the post and sign up for a day!

I want to get a start on them now so that I have a proper chance at completing them!

My chrome crashed randomly this evening. The freezing I've been struggling with for a while has lessened, although it's still very much an issue, but it RARELY crashes so that was weird. I wouldn't have given up Firefox if IT didn't freeze everyu three fucking seconds. Can't win the browser wars, I guess.

Another show that didn't really bring the big OOMPH before going away until January. I liked this episode better than TVD but it was still pretty slow.

The show is departing SO much from the books that I don't even want to wager a guess on who the other Blackwell offspring is. The easy guess would be Faye since the writers slipped in that bit about Faye's mom being obsessed with Blackwell back in the day and Charles made a to-do about it when they were trying to figure out what the hell was going on with Jane.

I like this new guy that's come about for Diana. Hopefully he'll turn out to be someone who will stick around for a bit, if only to bring a little more relavency to Melissa's charcter. It would also be nice to see more of a happy!Diana. Although I'm already over Adam pining for her. I don't quite know where his character is going, other than crazyville since he can't seem to keep himself away from fawning over Diana and feeling jealousy for Cassie. Hopefully he won't turn out to be a bad guy or anything.

I didn't really buy Jake's sudden change of heart. I kind of do because it's clear he's struggling with his feelings about witchcraft and the mind warping the dude that looks like the guy from season 3 of Sons of Anarchy has done to him, taking advantage of his vulnerability when they ran into each other.

Jake's obviously got to come back. Even though the circle is still linked he has to be around for them all to be strong and he's obviously going to come back for Cassie so I doubt he'll be gone long.

* 1280x720 caps
* Uploaded to my own personal site.
* Comment and credit if taking/using.
* The biggie- NO HOTLINKING. Don't be a bastard and make me replace my sample caps with a bright and gaudy "I'm a thief, ask me how!" message.


TSC 109 set 1 (411 caps ~ 32.7MB) // TSC 109 set 2 (411 caps ~ 29.4MB) // TSC 109 set 3 (411 caps ~ 26.6MB) // gallery

In every line she speaks you can tell she's STRAINING to hide her accent.

I loved her dress. It was so cute!

life: christmas 2011, caps: the secret circle, tv shows: the secret circle, fandom: memes

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