Well, it's official... we've been married for a year! well, actually, to be more exact, we've been married for a year and a half already, but it's been a year since we were married before God, and all of you as witnesses. What year it's been! there were incredible highs, and even more incredible lows... there's been blinding happiness, and
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а на счет тети Гали, Белк, смотри, мама сможет ездить с тетей Галей... а сможет ли тетя галя с мамой? а одной на экскурсии грустно... да и потом, к вам билет для нас можно за пару дней купить ;)
v avguste tut JARA. hotja, esli problemy s biletami net - to mojno budet gljanut' prognoz i esli ne obeschajut nichego strashnogo - mojno i v avguste sjuda..
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