G-D it feels good to admit to yourself what it is that you want!!! I always used to get aggravated at people who walk around in circles saying they don't KNOW what to do, they don't know which decision is right for them, what it is that they WANT to do and so on. YES, you do, just ADMIT IT TO YOURSELF!! ADMIT that you have reached a decision and
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One of the ways people in this world can be looked at is on a Hamlet-Don Quixote scale. One on one extreme and the other on the other. The Don Quixotes of the world rush into decisions head first, often without even thinking about consequences. They for sure KNOW what they want and what has to be done (at least in the moment), and they act on it. The Hamlets are the opposite - they BROOD. In fact they brood and think out the options for such a time, that when/if they finally DO some to a decision, it is too late to act on it. Ideally, it's nice to be somewhere in the middle. Most people are, as usual, neatly bell-curved between these extremes. Neither is bad per se - it's just the way different people are. You seem to be quite Quixotic in your words :) and that's lovely - you are who you are. But those closer to Hamletian disposition are no less sincere - there ARE often time many, many facets to even the simplest of choices, and if a person is aware of them, he cannot just jump to a decision and be honest with himself.
As for very few decisions being non-reversible, I will have to flat out disagree - most of the important decisions, for better or worse, are quite irreversible, especially when they deal with other people. "One cannot step in the same river twice" (Heraclitus)
It might lead you on a detour, it might take some time (and work) to get back to where you were, but if you're determined, you can do it. you CAN step into the same river twice... not in the same spot, but DEF. in the same river. this is what makes life exciting! the detours along the river of life :-P and "you can always go home"...
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