went into town yesterday without freaking out - go me. just decided that I'm not going to lose my shit over these bitches -- I've got my eyes set on something much much higher -- if I keep to this current chessboard, your girl's gonna be moving next year. I really don't want to buy yet -- wouldn't mind sitting on property but 1) debt to income ratio is not to my liking and 2) i want to move around too much to hold onto anything. I do like the inventory and I've already got a few realtors I know that I'll work with -- the plus of what I do is that I'm never lacking experts of all stripes, hooray.
big plans for this house tho -- our landlord is a sweetie that is letting me paint! i don't want to have carpeting or tile or anything put in -- it's tempting but I'd rather not pimp the place out unless JT and I follow through and purchase the unit. Considering where it's sitting, I really don't want to do that -- the area won't rent high enough for the amount of work the property will need -- yep, already checked. plus, they want more than what this place is honestly worth. landlord asked me if I knew anyone and even told me she'd cut me a deal if I wanted to consider it -- first and foremost, this would be an investor property and JT & I will most likely form another corporate structure to handle our joint real estate holdings.
Sorry, always thinking about my next deal. I'm in serious chessboard mode -- oh god, it's hell week all over again. 50K words thereabouts -- probably closer to 65K. 35K of that is mission crit, get it done shit. the rest is just me stacking for a rainy day. I'm becoming more of a saver / conscious spender in many ways. I'm out of the phase where I need to save save save and worry worry worry -- I made it out of the hurricane, but I've lost 95% of my stuff. so I have to buy everything - oh yes, everything completely new. I'm tired of replacing hair dryers and towel racks and shoes -- I lost my tall boots in that tomfuckery too.
600 words to close this current project -- then shower, pick up clothes and stuff -- going to get Nicole at about 11am -- we should finish by 3pm, just in time for her little girl to get home from school. that gives me time to sleep / finish copy before my best client comes back online :)
i'm feeling good, just tired. oh, and Vicky's Secret doesn't love my boobs :( as I knew would happen, the walking and exercising has me down to a 42DD -- not that VS has anything good in that size! it's all like fulllll coverage -- the boob version of like, granny panties -- what the fuck is up with that shit. The highest I've seen is a 40DD - OUCH - I need that high band size right now - maybe as I keep working out. I'm pretty happy all things considered with the exercise plan -- by the time I'm finished I'm going to have a fierrrrrrce lil' plus sized body -- more athletic, toned. I'm not a naturally small girl -- I just want to be well toned - maybe Crystal Renn's slightly heavier sister? scares the hell out of me size 12 is plus size for modeling -- damn damn damn... (edit: did check out the obvious plus size haunts -- I just like peeking over in 'normal size' land here and there i guess -- Frederick's is showing my boobs a good time, apparently... and how can I forget
Hips and Curves - my favorite store -- been ordering there since the end of '06...love them)
gotta bounce. keep it sexy while I'm gone...
oh yeah. lord have mercy do I owe y'all some fanfiction. i haven't forgotten -- trying to clear out my sched -- clearing that 60K would actually give me some breathing room in a big way :)