so many reasons I'm not into socializing with *these* pinstripe hackjobs

Apr 06, 2010 19:38

edit: mm, demonstrative fail is teh sexy, except when it isn't. the subject line implies that I'm calling you circle-darlings 'pinstripe hackjobs' -- we're familiar but not that familiar. lol, my bad!

Since I have smut planned this week, I'm trying to keep my temper in one piece. But lawd, the pinstripers are getting underneath my skin. I had thought about wasting time and going on about it, but I just realized the difference between them and myself:

I don't focus on trying to talk about it.

I focus on trying to be about it.

Maybe my mood is getting better -- this shit only took me a few lines instead of being a 2,000 word keysmash. Yay, emotional fortitude! I'm just too up in my spaceship to properly have a reaction to people that are just mad because they haven't found that inner strength to join me. Personal problems of the world are not my problems. :)

I think the only reason it bugged me was that they were also bothering a dear business friend of mine -- and when you're fucking with any part of my circle, you are running a 100% chance of fucking with me. Been that way from the beginning and I'm way too damn old to change now. (I firmly believe that after your late teens, your persona is pretty much set either way -- it's incredibly hard to re-program, NLP aside.)

not the boy that I was
what I am is just venting venting
dear gravity you've held me down in this starless city

growth, progress, this is why we can't have nice things, hey hey here come the tags, don't lose your nerve, now that's a free bitch baby, keysmashery adverted

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