Apr 04, 2006 09:26
My spring break in a nutshell: painting a mug at the Ceramic place downtown, bowling and losing hardcore, drunk at Deluxe on a Wednesday at 8, Mom's birthday in Astoria, perfecting my 'negotiation skills' (and my numbchuck skills....bow hunting skills...), taking a lot of walks in Mac, Irish pub in portland (how about some more Bushmills?). Yes. That about does it. Here I am, starting the week. For some reason it feels like a new beginning today. The air smells a little sweeter, the sky is a little more blue and for today it's ok to be alone. I have new found energy to get in shape and find the adventures I long for. I'm not broken anymore. Time to move on with my life. It's sad that my Katy isn't here but she is here in spirit.