marisa1039's Halloween party:
8bitrevolution dressed as a EastLtd. employee.
artistinblack dressed as a rabbit, though it looked more like a scaly witch.
bobbyjo forgot to put on clothes!
c0deblue dressed as Dan Rather.
carbonscoring dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Conjurer of Hammond.
carve_me_a_rose dressed as the President of Mauritius.
cereph dressed as a discount.
cerulgalactus dressed as a linebacker for the Giants.
dansimons dressed as a help desk department chairman.
dirntygirl dressed as a rabbit.
enfuego dressed as something lime, but what, specifically, you can't tell.
geekroick dressed as Ronald Reagan.
greenmtx dressed as a 1990's grunge child.
guttrgrl dressed as Daria, and it suited them disturbingly well.
hahayouredead dressed as a rust goblin.
hpotter1039 forgot to put on clothes!
iharthdarth dressed as the love child of Harrison Ford and Anna Nicole Smith.
ilikepaste dressed as the Governor of Missouri.
jenny_bo_bennny dressed as Captain Kirk from "Star Trek".
kissmeonthebus dressed as a stiff flood.
lagomorph gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as the main character of "Back to the Future".
leisureanimal dressed as Michael Jackson.
mikefireball dressed as a witch.
mikenapkin dressed as Squidward.
mortaleros dressed as Jay Leno's grandmother, though it looked more like Thandie Newton riding a giraffe.
nancymae dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Intellectual Dominator.
ninishka dressed as the Archbishop of Mead.
paul_ickes dressed as a ghost.
prettyvacant689 dressed as the Submerged Power Ranger.
sabrina_stewart dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.
sallypumpkin didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.
savingtheday39 gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as the Duke of Kalata.
savingtheday88 dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Buttercup Monkeybrain".
savingtheday89 dressed as Julia Stiles.
shebop dressed as Gwyneth Paltrow riding a rabbit.
shsh_shakin dressed as Tom Cruise.
silvergrrl dressed as a fork.
singlebluenote dressed as a bottle of Roxvance.
skittllkss dressed as a ankle.
somaboy13 dressed as a new superhero: Element Cyborg, and it suited them disturbingly well.
studxkitten dressed as Tiffani-Amber Thiessen.
stupidted dressed as a Level 14 ranger.
sweaty_betty dressed as a lampshade.
tamara333 dressed as Optimus Prime.
truenekrogirl dressed as James Madison.
ubershiro didn't dress up, spoilsport.
xpunkprincessx dressed as your grandfather.
Throw your own party at the
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