It knocks you down

May 01, 2010 10:47

Today I had something precious in the palm of my hand, and instantly I fell in love. It's so strange to me that this morning I was choking all over the NOCI exam (literally I forgot the bloody draw shreet when making a bed!) and then there I was, touching life.

Chief K, one of the sweetest teachers I've ever met, is pregnant and today was her last day for the rest of the year. My friend Andrew (who also had his brains blown up by NOCI) thought it'd be cool to use Ms Tyler's ultrasound machine on K before she left...

I've never in my life touched a pregnant woman's stomach before. I'd also, strangely enough, never preformed an ultrasound... It didn't help that Andrew and everyone else in wildcat was scared and had without my knowing shoved me to the front of the herd to be sacrificed... Chief was nice about it though, she took my hand and moved it around until BINGO!!... There it was, the little wur-wur that signified life. We all crowded around that small speaker with the dumbest grins on our faces. Within our reach was a little baby boy and that, to anyone, holds a certain amount of magic.

It was a nice breath of fresh air. I've been surrounded by death for a few weeks now between Cap, Ash's gram, and now my aunt that it's hard to imagine a child just waiting to come out and meet everyone. Maybe I'm being a sap, but right this moment I honestly can't wait to be a mom... Then again, I'm sure that'll completely change the next time I'm within 100 feet of a screaming ruggrat...

via ljapp

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