Here it goes again

Mar 31, 2010 16:52

This wasn't my first time but if my mom has anything to say about it, it will be my last.

Now in my defense I honestly thought I'd be ok to donate blood this afternoon. Sure the first time I ended up with a concussion, and okaaay the second time I passed out before I even got off the table... But today, oh man it sucked. While they were actually taking my blood everything was cool, I was even laughing and joking around with Yelah who was on the table beside me. I was still alright when I got to the table and the helpers started shoveling animal crackers down my throat. The last thing I really remember was saying "Oh crap" as that weird feeling I always get before I pass out came over me.

They said I wasn't out for too long but I swear I had an entire dream while I was out. It wasn't a weird one just a vision of Andrew and I sitting together in the sun. Then the next thing I know it's dark and I hear a bunch of people saying my name. I finally open my eyes to find there's about 5 people staring down at me on the floor. Fun...

I hate when people give me that pitiful look like I'm a little kid again and I've scraped my knee or something. I'm an adult and I hate to be seen as someone to be pitied.

Yeah well, that look didn't exactly go away when two minutes later I was back on the floor curlied in a ball throwing up... By that time I must have looked pretty bad because I think Hanna called my mom to come get me... Either that or mom's psychic. She was really mad when she showed up. Not because she had to get me, she didn't mind, but because this wasn't the first time I've had problems giving blood. It's my stupid ambiguious neuronet. It makes her mad everytime that I give blood even though it does this to me. I don't think I'm a masochistic, but to be honest I didn't really have a good reason to defend myself to her. *shrug*

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