Mar 12, 2007 22:15
So yea, in honor of it being RIDICULOUSLY and UNSEASONABLY warm today, I make this post. If I get it all out, maybe it'll stop haunting me. I know I worry too much about stuff anyway. Le sigh...
For some reason lately I keep thinking about global warming and what's going to happen to our planet. I can't even enjoy the nice weather because I think it's too early for this. Maybe people are just too busy to notice, but the trees are very screwed up. On my way to school each morning I walk past some trees that STILL have red, dried leaves on them from fall and trees that are almost finished blossoming in spring. That's NOT NATURAL!! I saw something on the news recently about how a study said that by 2030 there's going to be droughts and flooding and then by 2050 or something polar bears will be gone, etc. And that makes me SO sad!! There's a good chance I'm going to live to see all that. I don't know if I want kids because I don't want them to live with deal with that, even though in principle I want kids. Where I am right now, could very well be underwater by the time I'm middle aged and it seems like there's nothing really that I can do about it. I know I'm not perfect when it comes to saving the environment and conserving energy, though I'm probably better than many. I do what I can I guess. It's just so sad. This is our home. I don't want to see it destroyed. At the same time, how worth it is it for me to keep dwelling on this? For all I know, maybe we blow ourselves up in world war three. Maybe we move to Mars, maybe we find a way to decrease existing CO2...I dunno. Maybe I don't even live long enough to see all this. Anything can happen I guess. I should just try to do my best to live life to the fullest and respect mother earth. What happens happens. Everything has consequences and we're going to have to deal with this. I just wish people would think about such consequences sooner rather than later :(