Title: School Project [Chapter 8/?]
mariposa02 Pairing: Onkey
Rating: pg
Genre: comedy, drama(?)
Summery: the "klutz" and the "ice prince" have to do a school projekt together.
AN: I feel like this is a complete fail -.-.... still, I hope you'll enjoy~
[1]; [2]; [3]; [3,5]; [4]; [5]; [5,5];
[7]; The past days had been a torture. Next to the already exhausting training Jinki was forced to go through, he had to bear the never ending arguments between his sister and Jonghyun. It was not how he imagined them to help him. They had decided to make him “cool”, to change his appearance and to get rid of his clumsiness (that seemed to be much more difficult than it should be).
He was balancing a book on his head (this was a task in which he had become pretty good), sighing as he tried to blend out the loud voices, that were near to screaming coming from those two idiots that were “discussing” how his hair should be changed.
“I'm the girl, I have the fashion-sense here and I know how he looks with black hair. There is a reason why his hair is brown.”
“He should change it sometimes!”
“We can change it to a darker brown, but I won't let him dye his hair back to black!”
And the argument was finished with that as Tae turned around, completely ignoring the still protesting Jonghyun as she walked to Jinki.
“You're improving a lot. How many times did you fall today?”
“Shut up.”
“I was just asking. So we are finished with the exercises for today. Now come we have to go to the salon.”
He wanted to protest, he liked his hair how it was right now and he hated salons but Jinki knew that nothing could hold his sister back now.
“Let's do the simple but sexy look.”
“Darling! You can read thoughts!”
Antoine was stroking through his hair, eyeing it from right to left.
“I'll be finished in around an hour, but if you want to you can keep this cutie-pie a little bit longer at my shop darling. Take your time and when your back he'll be some hot shit, I swear.”
He pecks Tae's cheeks before slapping Jinki on his butt, motioning him to walk towards the seats.
“Oh Tae! You brought me some hot piece of ass into my salon!”
“I know.”
Tae blinks at the completely flustered hairdresser and bright red Jinki before leaving them both alone, Antoine singing happily, Jinki being scared if he would end up with something like pink highlights in his hair.
Surprisingly the hairdresser did a pretty good job.
When Tae returned to the salon, she nearly sprang into Jinki's lap when she saw how her brother looked and when Jinki was finally allowed to see himself in the mirror he had to admit that he was not that bad looking.
He had to let himself be slapped on the ass, before being able to see the nearly crying Antoine off so that tthy could start they're shopping tour.
They tried many clothes on, many different styles, but they kept at they're plan of doing a simple and sexy style. They had bought a few skinnies, simple T-shirts, some (dress)shirts and cardigans. Everything was black, white, grey or in a dark blue, with some simple colourful highlights. The clothes were comfortable and easy to combine. Sometimes he could use hats or some necklaces and he was even allowed to sometimes wear glasses (of course they bought new ones).
This day had been the best out of all of his training, he could finally spend some time with his sister again and even thought thoughts about Kibum kept making their way up, he was confident now. He had the strength to face Kibum and he was sure Kibum would never be able to reject him like that and with his whole new self-confidence he walked proudly through the mall.
“We are finished now.”
Tae was slurping her milkshake, sitting on the other side of the table in the café they had made themselves comfortable in and looked at him as if he was a plaid chicken.
“We are finished. You are finished. You are ready.”
Tae smiled at him and suddenly all the confidence he had gathered disappeared.
“I don't think so.”
“Oh come on! You know you are! Now you have to face him! If you wait any longer someone else will snap him away.”
She gave the now really pale looking Jinki a concerned look. She took his hands, giving him a confident smile before standing up.
“Sorry I have to go to the bathroom.”
And with that she left Jinki alone.
He sat there closing his eyes, tying to calm his weirdly beating heart. Some minutes passes and slowly he began to wonder where Tae went off to.
As he heard a shuffling sound coming from the other side of the table he slowly opened his eyes again only to be greeted by the impatient, but also surprised look a rather tired looking Kibum was giving him.
“Do you think this will work?”
“We did what we could do. I tried my best to make Jinki more confident. The rest is up to them and if they really love eachother it will work out somehow.”
“Jonghyun, it will be okay.”
“I know, but you know.. Key is... somehow... not good at letting people in.”
“I know, but he'll let Jinki.”
“Because my brother is pure.”
AN: I'm sorry for this Fail!! but somehow I'm more in the angsty mood at the moment -.-