Title: Conversation - side chapter of School Project [Chapter 3,5/?]
mariposa02 Pairing: Onkey
Rating: pg (for now)/ - pg-15
Genre: comedy
Summery: the "klutz" and the "ice prince" have to do a school projekt together.
AN: My mother read chapter 3 and said that there was a conversation between Kibum and Jonghyun missing, cause Jonghyun probably would
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..this is really funny, i can really imagine JONGHYUN to make fun of KIBUM, so cute (if ever given a chance to be JONGHYUN, i think i would do the same, i think it would be fun to see different sides of KIBUM, and him turning different shades of pink and red coz' of blushing . . .i also like your idea ing making the font size of KIBUM's lines smaller, it really does give the idea or image of him blushing and stuttering.. so cute..
.. and yeah one more thing why "Ben" is that a nickname or something?, well anyway i think i should end it here.. ^-^..
.take care.
~akap akap~ (hug hug)
*peace out*
Ps: i'll still wait for you next chapter but i won't promise to drop a comment rigt away coz our sem break will end next week, actually our classes will resume next week, so yeah, but i'll still wait for it and read and if i have time i'll leave a comment, ^-^.... see you next chapter....
yeah thanks for the comment♥
and also I don't know when I'll post the next time cause my exams strat next week .... but I'll try my best to update as soon as possible
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