halfway through hell and back

Mar 16, 2005 07:00


so yeah. havent updated in a whiles. fri-sun, in mexico, visiting my grandparents. alls well on the southern front. got to drive a little on the way back, but had two menopausal parents yellin at me with 40 mph winds pushin the suburban left and right, so i had to fight it the whole way.

mon.-went back to work. ringtoss was raped. they had to move in prizes from other games. i worked a double cause the nightshift TL (jeff) has no lead, nor do i, so i knew he'd need help. (mornings arent as busy as nights) but me and him are cool with each other cause we're both gettin screwed workin there, so we understand each other.
tues.-was scheduled for a double cause one of the nightshift TLs wasnt gonna be there. he covered for me, so i was totally willin to cover him. also cover him thurs. rained a bit, so not a lot of people in the park. then it was freakin cold. *note to self: wear soccer socks cause no pants are available* kind of awesome for about 20 minutes, cause the other TL and the ATL left the area, so i was temporary ATL, which meant the entire area of Rockville was mine to control. it was SWEET. me and jeff kicked ass. monday night we left around 10 cause we had so much work to do and fix paperwork people messed with earlier. given, not busy at all today, but either way, we were basically done by 8:30ish. i played the new soccer game, Gol Striker (its goal, but i'm mexican, so it's gol) about 8 times. i was really sad that i could only do a test play (if i register, it messes up the counts). when you actually go and pay to play ($5 for 5 shots!!) you get to sign your name and stuff, and it registers around the world. some of the world's highest scores came from Hungary. all you do is take penalty shots, and it takes the best 3. if you score 2400 or better, you win a fullsize soccer ball with flags on it from around the world. if not, you get a small soccer ball.

pullin doubles up until thursday. i figured from mon-thurs i'd make close to $400. but then taxes come in. oh well, i still got fri/sat/sun to work. although it's only mornings then, for now.

dont be afraid to visit, ya'll.

damn. i miss all the cute girls at school

-el mario
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