Apr 21, 2009 12:14
I suppose I should give an update to the weekend.
We got Ann. She's not really an indoor dog, she likes it better outside. Not to mention Clouseau gave her a nasty swipe across the nose. But she's a great dog. Needs some manners but there's time to work on that. She's a black lab mix. Too cute.
Update on Tank the shelter dog...HE'S COMING HOME TODAY!!! I waited a week for them to do a temp test but they changed his breed from a pit mix to a mastiff mix, which I think suits him better. I played with him yesterday and he's just a big puppy that likes to lean on you to be petted and scratched. I'll give more updates later to let you know how him and Ann get along.
Jeff's quitting soon...I hope. We'll see how that goes. He'll have a nice vacation until he finds something else. That place is driving him nuts. He's in Maine right now. That sucks.
On another note...I found Helen!!!