"FUCK! I just got my ass handed to me by a squirrel!"

Oct 19, 2010 02:00

So yes! The new laptop is here! And I have played Final Fantasy 14 for the first time....and its really hard ; ;. Like, here you are in the instance, otherwise known as an unavoidable quest or cutscene and you KICK ASS and then the game starts and you suck....ugh. I have no idea what I'm doing save for walking around in circles....getting the shit beat out of me! The cool thing is though..... that I was able to recreate my character from 11! That's amazing and I gave him a deep manly voice that doesn't fit his body AT ALL. so its hilarious. I'm also going to make a Haruka toon as well...just like 11 :D Except thers no like...thief in this game...and My Haruka was a thief...meh...I don't know We'll see what happens. The detail in this game is something else..like..you can do skin tone and even do like...highlights in hair. It's crazy. Mettoki Taru (yes you can make a last name. ) Is a Counjurer which is an elemental that can use all magic. Right up my alley. It's just awesome how cool everything is..I'm greatly enjoying it.

But now its sleep time! So I can play before class tomorrow! Nigh nigh! :D
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