It's Not Like The Movies, They Fed Us All Little White Lies

Jul 09, 2006 22:05

Yay, summer. How lovely it all is eh? On any level too, which is fantastic. Well this week I went to the Cape with Doug and Shandy which of course was great. We made a beautiful skit while there. Really, all of the classic Doug Linse Cape expiriences were present. Spinnaker's, skitting, loads of music, GTA, movies, etc etc. I picked ip a bunch of stuff at Spinnaker's that's been occupying my mind for the past few days. Mainly Mercury Rev and this OK Computer analysis book, thing. 'Tis interesting.... Makes for a nice boredom cure too. But summer boredom is still great. I mean, yes cabin fever ensues, but it beats the hell out of anything during the school year. Relaxation. Fitter. Happier. More productive.... I'm sorry, that was just damn blatent.

Ah but yes, the question remains... If the summer is going so great, why the entry? Of course, knowing myself I don't get happy and say "YEAH! LJ POST!". No, not at all. I've said it many times before, but once more, I use this thing to collect my thoughts. Though, I don't really like being so specific... Very vauge ideas... I mean, hey, the fact of the matter is that this thing is still public. So being specfic on it isn't really my... bag. Yeah. BAG. So proceed with the new knowledge that these entries are vauge on purpose. If you'd like clarification, well I'm not hard to get a hold of.

With that lovely side note, now I'd like to say that I recieved a very, very rude, and metaphorical, kick in the face a few days ago. Before I went to the Cape with Doug. Evil reached out to me, and oh boy, was that terrifying. I became very sick just at the thought of it and decided to smite. Yes, the idea has been in my head bottled up for a while, and I'd begun to repress it. But no, evil by no means will let me forget. Of course not. That'd be far too convinient. So I myself turned the tables, and let all hell break loose. Insults were launched, accusations were made, and disguises were torn to shreds. Well, I think I can say, un-biased I believe, that I was victorious in the end. However my victory was short lived, and it seems that though I won an immediate battle, I have faltered in the long term effects. I've began to question much now. The whole ordeal has made me utterly frusterated about humans. Concepts are floating away. I become more nonsensical with every thought.

And of course, there's something else that I'm frusterated with right now, as always. Really, isn't that always the case? It's always the same situation but I seem to refuse to clarify. It isn't me being mysterious, just refusing to elaborate. All I will say about it is... Well, refer to the title of the entry. That's all.
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