Monday, May 31 at 8:17 PM was the second day of the first 'summertime' Manhattanhenge, where the sun sets in alignment with the (roughly) east-west streets of manhattan and lights them up in a spectacular manner.
Or, at least, it is supposed to. :)
We found a good spot, adjusted the settings on our cameras, waited... snapped a few shots here and there, waited, told jokes, wondered about the complete stranger 8 inches away from us, waited, and speculated on the weather. And waited.
There was a front moving in across Trenton and though we could see New Jersey we couldn't see anything much past the Hudson. It was a bit of a wash, really. So instead we walked around and took photos of Manhattan at night--which is FUN! I haven't done that since, well, ever. I'd like to do another night-time photo-walk again.
Please enjoy what I was able to capture despite the weather!