Everyday I sit and think, I'll be good.

Jul 01, 2010 16:15

I'm sitting in my favorite lil' nook of a coffee shop sippin' on a medium hazelnut. 'Tis called, The Yellow Sofa, which is nestled into the back of the long corridor.
Only reason I have to be here today is purely circumstantial given the fact that the interwebs at my house has been dead, to which I joked with my roommate today, "Looks like Obama pressed the button!" (http://www.xomba.com/obama_may_have_his_internet_kill_switch_control_internet_content)

Day off today can be described in the word 'moseying'. In the most gallivanting of fashions, I took the first ever stroll into town with my new roomie, and descended upon an antique store I'd never visited. I got 16 rare amazing oddities for $20 (a few of them boxed sets of like seven records) and I want to begin a music listening soiree night in my abode (got some old recordings of some of the best musicals!)

And folks, let me tell you something I learned yesterday: do not leave your dryer at a local laundromat unattended; ie: going to get a coffee at aforementioned establishment. Apparently people have the audacity to take your wet clothes out, shove them in another dryer, and use your $1.50 worth of time. Not to mention some random dude[tte] touching my clothes. unda-garments. no bueno.

I became friends with a moth that was on the floor of my living room today. After his intial stress out reaction as I gently tried to pick him up, he sat on my arm and chilled there for a half hour. He was a cutie pie.

For the first time in a while, two people actually told me how well I write. I think inspiration is kicking in now that the stress is moving out (bit by bit.) We'll see how it goes.
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