dun clobber me, gais ---

Aug 21, 2010 21:16

I watched Inception. Shirley got us half priced tickets, and that was all the excuse I needed.

…It didn’t impress me too much to say the truth. Don’t get me wrong, there were some fantastic scenes, it was very exciting, the characters were played out very well and were completely likeable, and not to mention I thought it was an interesting concept, and executed brilliantly too. But uh, the type of movie that is only really immersive when you’re there and really, I didn't really walk out any wiser than I was. 8U

I was reminded of when I was obsessed with Lucid dreaming though. Good times, good sleep, not so great dreams imo. I only succeeded once, and the revelation was so exciting that I woke up. Uh-

And in other news, I found out that Hayley’s friend whose name I forgot, was Swedish. But when I asked her where her family came from, she answered Copenhagen. Like that Ice Cream shop, Copenhagen, y’know? lmao. Then there is that self proclaimed Dutch girl who spoke Dutchian. Oh and of course, there is Vicky, was is convinced that India is located in Africa. Then there is me, who thought Romania was on the fringes of Northern Europe. A somewhat smaller crime towards geography, but still.

The post office was closed when I went, Pu. sdfjklasWHUT. Why the fuck would it close at 2 FUKKING PM? This is taking laziness too far, Australia.

movies, idek

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