Is Rich Text officially stuffed for anyone else?
Eta. Meme time. Tagged by Superio. ♥
1. Answer the questions honestly. (Change any question you don't like to something you do.)
2. Tag some friends. Eight is plenty, but try and at least tag ONE PERSON.
3. If you don't get tagged, but want to take part, THEN PLEASE DO. :D
4. Remember to smile. ♥
Er - why don't I just tag everyone. It's much more easier.
Who/what sleeps in bed next to you?
My 50 something pillows. I've been collecting.
What did you last eat?
Gelatissimo ice cream - Bicuitino and Mint flavored ice cream. You won't believe how incredible it was. *still hates summer*
What kind of books do you read?
All kinds. Though I've kind of stopped with manga because the last 2 I read were utter failures. I've just finished a biography on Hitler (I kind of failed Mein Kampf.) and I'm starting on Chairman Mao (I'm not even going to attempt the red book). <3 Need to get all the villains down.
Who is your newest 'discovery' in terms of musical artist?
Hmm... Die Ärzte? But a whole bunch of music that a friend recommended. I'm listening to them now. So far it's Michael Buble, but I knew and loved him wayyy back.
If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?
What was your childhood dream?
To fly.
Name one odd item within five feet of you.
Uh - One of my mum's published thesis? Everything else is pretty mundane...
What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Watchmen. ♥♥ Can't get enough of it, and the deeper I get in the comic, the more I love it. Also, Adrian VEidt is like crack.
What did you really want to do today that you didn't?
Nothing really...
What are you most excited for?
Nothing. :/ Well - unless you can count the holidays looming.