Holidays is making my brain retarded.
I've watched way too many movies these days, my mind is flooded with them, which is why I am too incoherent to make a proper entry. Can I give you a Hayden Christensen instead? I've only realized how gorgeous he was when I re-watched Revenge of the Sith.
Oh and then there's Orlando Bloom. HAVE I MENTIONED ORLANDO BLOOM??? My first impression [4 years ago, I think] was a Ned Kelly poster I saw of him, I think. Then I saw him in the Pirates of the Caribbean and decided I would hate him forever. :/ Nobody seems to agree with me when I say it was an utterly bullshit movie, don't throttle me people.
BUT THEN. Then there was Legolas. He's an elf. I think I have an ear fetish. Can you see the similarities between Spock?
HOMG he is so pretty. *O* I could nibble on his pictures all day.
Click to view
I REALLY want his email address. xD But then so does 5 billion other fangirls. Godamn, he's making my 'would instantly shag list.' So far, there's Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Ewan McGregor, Hayden Christensen... and... that's about all. Oh Karl Urban too. Shirley got freaked by my Karl desktop but hey, he's only half naked. I've read 1000 times worse. And you know, I swear this was supposed to be an one paragraph one picture post. God I fail. -_-
Anyways, off to make lunch. I'm cutting myself from all chocolates in case I get fat from sitting down all day.
[Very LAST insertion to this post: Should I go watch Year One/Ice Age 3? Year one looks fine, I swear I've seen that dude from Juno. but I'm going to be suspicious of any movie that claims, 'the action will make the producers of Wolverine and Star Trek green with envy.]