Hi hi! This is me with a few hours downtime and not burned out. This hasn't happened in weeks. I've cut the long stuff.
I was able to catch some House. They promised me clinic hours this season, and I haven't seen them yet. Also, I want O'Shea/House fic. Hopefully (and I know this hope is in vain) he wasn't a one-off character.
If I can continue in this downtime-not-stress-time, I'd like to do or find a fic in which Crandall comes back to town, being his exasperatingly adorable self and trying to 'pay House back' by being a good friend. He and Wilson didn't interact much that I can remember, so he's not aware of all the drama-drama going down, and he's just friendly, and he already knows what to expect from House. He's picked up a journalism job in Jersey somewhere, and House goes over to mooch family dinners and mock/help his daughter's homework. Meanwhile, Wilson's realizing how much he misses House. It follows the last episode, with Crandall taking the place of O'Shea and some of the PI. Or something. All my attempts at Housefic are terrible, and I like side characters too much. Also, I procrastinate. I would actually love it more if someone else wrote it and I got to read it. I'm good at reading.
Other topics. I don't have any stocks, bonds, mortgages, 401K-s, or accounts over FDIC limit. Therefore, I'm all against the bailout. My mother's 401K has lost over $20,000, my grandfather's $30,000, which is a ton of money. Who thought of putting your money to secure a retirement in a place that fluctuates in the first place? Why don't they just have employers put matching funds in a regular account. To me, it seems that the 401K is to avoid taxes until a person is in a lower bracket, and to keep that money from being easily available, encouraging others to save. I know my credit union has money market accounts and IRAs with a set rates that seem to do similar things, can't we just have one that's longer term? Those $7 trade commercials or whathaveyou always state that investing in the stock market is a risk, so why would people be encouraged to put their retirement there? It's like buying a lottery ticket expecting to win. So yeah, I'm selfish, and I feel bad that people are losing their jobs or their savings, but it's like that southpark episode, where everyone's yelling 'We didn't listen!" but not like that southpark episode in that people aren't taking responsibility afterward.
Last night I got caught in the rain. Honestly, it wasn't raining when I left, and it stopped only a few minutes after I got home. It was Way Fun. Personally, I can't stand standing water (I don't go into pools, don't bathe, really hate handwashing dishes, for example) but in the rain, 9:30pm with the car headlights driving by and my umbrella and walking through the huge currents as the rainwater gushed to the drains was funsies.
I'm going to a health expo on Friday, and I'm sorta getting hyped for it. I walk a lot, but besides that I don't really exercise. My father was diagnosed with diabetes earlier this year, which is common in my family, and my mother's bloodwork came back high cholesterol, so they are encouraging me to be more health conscious. I did a quick search for 'healthy eating livejournal' for groups, but I mostly got dieting groups. I'm really not concerned about my weight, I should lose a few pounds but it's not a priority. What I really need are meals that are easy to make, because like I said, I come home just trashed from the day and I don't feel like cooking or eating. Mastication squicks me out sometimes, so if I really have to think about eating, I overthink it, and end up grossing myself out and not eating at all. Maybe I should be looking for recipe sharing groups instead.
Semi-related to health: I think I may be growing. My shoes don't fit anymore. I'm old and drink a lot of coffee, and while I'd love even another half-inch, I don't think women in their early twenties still grow. My feet have always been disproportionately large (5'0'', US women size 8.5-9), which was fine when I was a ballerina in toeshoes, but now I'm wearing grownup clothes and grownup shoes (okay, I usually just match colored tennies to my outfit, but I walk a lot and high heels hurt) and I hope it doesn't look too clownish.
I really enjoy Sarah Palin. If I was more republican, I'd be offended that the party chose her. Since I'm on the democrats side, I just really like Tina Fey. The way I see it, I don't mind if my local newscast woman is a ditz and doesn't understand half the things she says, because she's cute, and frankly, she's just reporting on events (I'm sure I've written about my love for Robin Meade before). Sarah Palin is to be VP and it isn't bad that she's cute, because she would need to do press conferences and such, but it isn't the focus of the job. I really enjoy Sarah Palin because she's funny trying to do things she just can't. Like a kitten playing piano. There must be Youtube video of that somewhere, and it's just as adorable as when Palin tries to answer foreign affairs questions.
'Today' interviewed her parents, and of course they said she could do anything she set her mind to. But she can't just one day decide to be a doctor, or an architect, or an astronaut. Or she could, but she wouldn't do those jobs well, because they require training she doesn't have. Same goes for the VP slot. She didn't even know what the vice president did, much less had that goal in mind for a while. I'm not saying that she doesn't, as a person, have the capabilities to be VP, I'm saying that position hasn't been a goal for her, and she hasn't lived her life in pursuit of that goal, and therefore she hasn't the foundation someone like Joe Biden does. He has been living the past few years learning about foreign policy and economics and things that concern the country because that's his interest, that's what he's wanted to be best at. Her interest has been Alaska, and she's been working to become the best governor. To suddenly switch gears so radically must've been hard. I feel bad for her and her family to have to try and adjust in such a hectic environment. The McCain group just picked the wrong person for the job, but they can't really change that now.