Jan 16, 2017 07:01
Hello, steadfast LJ community!
I see I made 0 LJ posts in 2016. It can be summed up this way:
1. So much work I actually had a breakdown last March/April and nearly quit/was fired
2. Regrouped and concentrated on fiction. 4 short story sales last year, yay!
3. Thought they would lay me off this Christmas due to the aforementioned breakdown, but they didn't. Yay enough, in that I still have income.
So the final analysis is, I have both job and stories. Trust me, you are really glad you didn't have to suffer through the blow-by-blow with me! (And you _really_ didn't want to suffer through the election with me; let's just move past that.)
However, you're still my fandom connection. I've popped in to read the comments I can find on the new Sherlock series. I'll make that a new entry. I just wanted to say, Hello. It's always good to see you, and catch up with your lives. Welcome to 2017.