Title: The Problem with Personal Blogs, Part 13/21
Characters: Holmes, Watson, Lestrade, the BBC gang (Molly, Sarah, Donovan, Anderson)
Rating: PG to Strong Adult - this part NC-17
Warnings: Excessive estrogen, dubcon
Summary: Sherlock finds himself the recipient of unwanted attention, thanks to the Internet.
Notes: Thank you
winterstorrm for the beta and
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Benedict does have interesting features, doesn't he? The cheekbones are quite prominent, and he has that brooding-eye expression down very well. As you say, not a conventional pretty-boy, but well worth looking at, and so charasmatically played. The hair is a big bonus for me.
Benedict's features are so interesting. I can't say handsome. I can say, completely captivating. But it's the whole personality; he comes through, and it's wonderful to watch. Cheers!
Definitely, I find "interesting" looking men more appealing than ones who are just supposed to be pretty. To paraphrase Queen:
Their beauty and their style
Went kind of _smooth_ after a while
Give me [really amazing-looking tall Britishmen] every time!
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