Been a while...

Feb 02, 2004 17:04

Well, it's been a while since there's been an update, hasn't it? I'm not very good at keeping up with things in the first place, let alone livejournals. There's just been a lot of stuff going on, mostly job-related. Since I work all of the time, I never get to sleep, so the time that I would spend updating this is spent sleeping. Soooo...sorry about the lack of updates. As for today, I had a great day! I don't know how it could have been any better. I didn't have to work and I get to go to space invaders. I'm still waiting for my mom to get home so I can get my haircut and then go to SI. Dammit, she's so slow. All I know is that I heard that SI's ddr has mem slots, sw00t! Well, this wasn't much of an update, but I am letting everyone know that I am back to being a very happy person. I don't even care if I work 27 hours a week, it's all good now. Thanks to all of you who stuck with me, even if I was a bit of an asshole sometimes. I'm outtie 5000.
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