Name: Panida
Age: 16
What Mario Games have you played?: Super Mario DX, Mario Cart, Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario Land, Mario Tennis, Super Wario
Favorite Foods: dim sum, BBQ Ribs
Favorite Time of Day: evening
Favorite form of Excersize: pilates!
Hobbies: pilates, violin, golf, watching anime, reading manga, videogaming
Interests: laughing, arts/music, languages, bio, Tolkien, thunderstorms, friends
Dislikes: egotistical folks, wasted talent, people with no passion for life, closed-mindedness
Likes: laughing, arts/music, languages, bio, Tolkien, thunderstorms, friends
Personal Traits: bubbly, caring, fast-learner, resilient, spunky, book-smart, problem solving, healthily competitive, achiever, friendly
Personality Traits You Dislike: dyou mean mine? if so -- i'm pretty cautious, I can take things to heart & dwell on them, aggressive, I sometimes over-analyze, hot-headed, high-strung, scatter-brained, not independent enough for my taste, pushy, indecisive, stubborn, a bit lazy but I know when to work hard and will, randomly loud, I have a pretty bad temper :X
Fire or Water? water, my personality is probably more fire though
Favorite Household Object: uhm, computer!
Habits: I do that leg shake thing when I'm sitting down
Leader or Follower: I can be either but probably more comfortable following since everything isn't resting on my shoulders. Also, if someone is more competent than I am, I'd insist that they lead.
Outlook on Life: pretty sunny x)
Favorite Superpower: invincibility!
Favorite Weapon: gun, katana
Favorite Animal: panda, dragon
Favorite Subject in School: languages, algebras
What do you think of Society today? It's corrupt indeed but there will always be people that are battling that, which is good.
What are your best friends like? they understand me, goofy, random, inside jokes galore.
You find a wallet with a significant amount of money just lying around. The ID indicates that the wallet belongs to your childhood bully. What do you do with it?: Probably just leave it. If I took the $, my conscience would kill me & I honestly don't know where to turn it in xP
Make a decision. Now.: X___X;
Favorite kinds of clothing: I love to layer! bright colors, cute patterns, courderoy
Favorite Mario series/show/game: DX
Least Favorite Character: Er, Wario.
Favorite Character: I'm gonna have to go with good ol' Mario. We've been through a lot togther xP
Last Words?: I'm sorry, but the princess is in another castle.