Aug 05, 2009 19:10
Hello one and all. hahahah..
sorry if im not really on top of my game right now due to the facet that there is a bandaid on my finger. This bandaid is very annoying.
[I spelled face wrong lololol]
So...ashley is laying naked strewen on my bed. waiting for me. she's like this because she likes getting naked all the time, and she tells me to paint her while she plays nintendo ds, more specidfially, warrior ware touch.
Just kidding....
[ash ur a sick f***]
ANYHOW hahahaha.......
I dont know why im posting. I really dont.
Im just in my room chillan with my bro-bro and ash.
everythings all good
Just a lil nervous about going to UTSA and getting my summer assignment done.
I guess the clock started for me on the first :/
oh well...
besides all this...we might all go swimmin and stuff likes that.
hope everyone has a good week and a weekend
peace yall
AKA Marioberry
AKA puppy pants
AKA Marioioioio
AKA maryooooo
AKA Mars
AKA Godo nono