Projects and pain

Mar 06, 2009 12:45

Well, we all know it's a given - just about any project results in *some* kind of injury. Most aren't anything to speak of - a nick or slight scrape (I've got a couple dots on my hand from shoving pipe insulation through a hole in the wall) - but they exist nonetheless. But no, yesterday I was finishing off the wiring project downstairs by stapling up the lines. Before you ask, no I didn't staple *into* the wire or anything like that. However, the wire runs up in the floor joists (read: making for a bit of a cramped workspace), and I had to staple over to the box (read: more wires and some silly surge suppressor thingy) - so between all that, I ended up having to drive one staple in left-handed.

Now, normally I'm pretty evenly balanced (close to ambidextrous) - but I don't necessarily *do* things with both. So I managed to smack my thumb a good one (pretty square in the middle in fact). Not that I couldn't've (or haven't) just as easily done the same thing the other way, but I think my chances are a little lower.

Yep, it sucked and continues to do so (esp since men's clothing [read: zippers on said] is designed to be used with the right hand). But I did get finish those projects (I forgot that one was to wire an upstairs outlet and the other was to wire in a new light). Maybe I'll find some time to take pictures of some of the finished products (per bladededge's request) - I just keep moving forward with projects and don't generally bother with the camera.

In any case, we've made a lot of progress - just about all the rooms are unpacked and set up (minus a couple things still left at the other house and the garage). There are some things outside that need done, but most of those have to wait until spring. After putting in the new drain pipe, getting the garage floor sections repoured, leveling a couple sidewalk slabs, moving some of the solar lights, and putting up railings on the section of deck, we should be done with the major projects. Yay! Of course, there are the minor projects (always), but those are generally not nearly as intensive / time-consuming.

Anyhow, time to be going again (for now). Hope all is well in your respective necks of the woods.
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