Jul 16, 2014 18:45

Posted in 24_fanfic

Characters: Jack/POTUS

Summary: Sometime post Live Another Day. Jack is released from Russia and meets yet another American President.

Author’s Note: I am indulging in as much wish fulfillment as I want while still staying on Canon. I am way out of practice so please bear with me. Also, 24 goes through Presidents like Star Trek goes through security guards. Thanks to cybertoothtiger for the super-fast beta.

Jack sat on the couch, waiting. A half empty cup of coffee sat on a nearby table. His first cup of truly excellent coffee in a very long time, and his stomach was too queasy to enjoy it. Still, he appreciated the gesture.

He wondered what she would make of him now. His hair had given up all pretence of being blond and was now well on its way to being grey.

Jack was still surprised when he looked in the mirror. He had already lived far longer than he had thought possible.

She entered the room. Jack got to his feet.

“Hello, Jack,” Karen Hayes said warmly.

“Madam President.”

She motioned to him to sit back down. She followed suit on the opposite couch. She waved away the two secret service agents flanking her.

Karen regarded her iPad. “I was just reviewing the report submitted by the agents I sent to debrief you. You told them you were not mistreated. At least not by the standards of Russian Prisons. The medical report confirms this.”

“The hospital wasn’t necessary, ma’am.”

“Standard procedure. You know that. Even so, I’m glad you’re alright.”

“I didn’t talk, Madam President.”

“I’m sure you didn’t. I wasn’t worried.”

“Then why did you get me released?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“You must want me to do something.”

“Not at the moment.”

Jack was nonplussed.

“You’re welcome,” said the President.

“Ma’am, please. I...don’t understand.”

“Fair enough, Jack, I’ll tell you.” She laid the iPad on the couch. She suddenly seemed softer.

“Jack, not one president since David Palmer has completed a single term of office. I admired Allison and James a great deal. I still do. Yet even they were forced to resign. I would like to be the exception. But I’m also a realist. The truth is I don’t know how much time I have to do the work I want to do.”

“I remember how upset Bill was when he couldn’t secure your release from China. Far more so than he ever allowed anyone to see. Anyone save for me. I was the director of Homeland Security, and even I couldn’t help you. Not until your extradition was deemed a necessary part of a larger strategy. I didn’t want that to happen again. So I acted. I arranged your return to American soil because I wanted to. And because I could. It’s that simple.”

“How did you do it?”

“It wasn’t difficult. We have a lot of things the Russians want. So I gave them one. Something the American people won’t miss.”

Jack mentally went through a list of Russian criminals and operatives he knew were in American custody.

Karen smiled. “When I was running for office I frustrated my campaign manager to no end. She wanted me to mention Bill more than I did. To emphasize his service, the sacrifice he made. There’s a lock-down room on the main floor of the White House. You know where it is, Jack. You were there. The place where my husband died. No matter how busy I am I make a point of walking by there every day. I loved Bill. I miss him terribly, even now. But my feelings about my husband are private. I didn’t want to use his memory as ammunition to fuel my own ambitions. ”

“I understand.”

“I knew you would. That’s why I told you. Bill would have wanted this for you. And so did I.”

“I appreciate that, Madam President.”

“You’re probably wondering what will happen to you now.”

“I haven’t thought about it.”

“I’m not your keeper. My aides have set up a bank account for you. It’s not a lot of money, but it’s enough. When you leave the White House an aide will take you to a car. It’s yours. What happens next is up to you. Maybe you will want to see Chloe. Or Kim. Or your grandchildren. Or you may leave the country again. I’m giving you back your life, Jack. It’s a gift. Try not to screw it up.”

Jack felt his composure slipping. He looked down.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

The President stood up. “I wish we had more time. But running this country is more than a full-time job.”

Jack stood “Good luck, Madam President.”

“Good luck to you too.”


24 fanfic

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