Real World Fanaticism

Feb 26, 2015 09:36

I have a certain respect for, and reliance upon, the media when it comes to knowing what's going on in the wider world. There's a filter, though, even in the best of cases. In this day and age, it's easier than ever to get information - but the veracity and depth of it is often limited.

I've often said I find politics to be simultaneously fascinating and nauseating. It's only fairly recently (in the scale of my life) that I've come to really consider the value of states as entities. And the recent trip to DC and seeing some of the history there drove home that the US government was fashioned in such as way as to make it deliberately difficult to pass new, sweeping legislation (it was a reaction to displeasure with a monarchy, after all).

Religion is much the same to me. I've known deeply religious people who were some of the best and nicest I've met. And yet, I find the mere thought of any attempt to push such beliefs on another to be offensive. Plus the things some people do in the name of belief is scary. That makes me classify religions as... perhaps "dangerous" is the best word. They make me wary even when they may be completely benevolent.

Part of the problem is they're based on interpretation. A question like "how literal is this ancient text?" is a prime example of how something simple can lead to radically different views all claiming to be the right and true one. Consider the difference in beliefs and actions of one person who considers the Bible a series of stories meant to guide in morality versus one who sees it as literal word of God to be followed completely and blindly.

So... where am I going with all this? Well, I read an article on ISIS/ISIL recently that goes into a lot of depth that recent news stories don't. Being politically correct and avoiding calling them "Islamic/Muslim extermists" may be useful in avoiding the alienation of friends and useful allies, but it sort of ignores the fact that the people of that organization really see themselves as faithful Muslims.

How do you deal with such violent people who actually want a war? People who embrace the idea of coming end times because they belief they are on the right side? That's something many nations have been struggling with for ages, I suppose. It's... a scary thing. The article is a good read - long, but recommended for some perspective.

real life, i do hate politics, religion

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