Jun 09, 2013 10:26
Urgh... Haven't been sleeping well the last few nights. Strange dreams this morning too...
One had me as a reluctant ex-war hero in a sci-fi setting chasing down an old friend who was using some advanced mecha to interrupt shipping lanes in space. It wasn't only tougher/stronger/better equipped than the norm, but the control system somehow could instill a sense of terror in enemies, turning it into a sort of super weapon - with the side effect of making the user insane over time. My female companion and I caught up with him and his, and we had a little showdown before I finally outright challenged him.
We had a knock-down, drag-out fight in Iron Man-ish powered armor rather than the mecha in question, but he was still using the nasty control interface. Of course, like any good action hero, I was able to push through the fear and with a lot of desperate struggling, ended up victorious. In the end, I set the mecha, control system and all, on a course for the local star and ejected rather than let it fall into other hand, even my own.
After waking up, grumbling, rolling over, and going back to sleep I ended up in another dream, which got even more bizarre, even if I can mark most of the influences. There was a group of human freedom fighters struggling against an occupying force on Earth. They took an enemy camp for supplies, taking the bad guys as prisoners, but offering to share the food with them in the worsening winter weather. It felt a little like Thanksgiving. Then the place was attacked by feral beasts, including a bear. Then a floating castle of an evil wizard showed up, but it wasn't the evil wizard so much as the person who had inherited the mantle from him via cursed robes that siphoned energy off a group of children in the castle who had run afoul of its magic. They were held in some sort of stasis, though one was strong enough to move a little bit, managing to write out a message on a mirror with the expectation that the woman leading the freedom fighters would somehow be able to read it from afar. @.@
After that... well, it was just time to get up, thanks.