Dust: An Elysian Tail

May 27, 2013 14:05

Last August I mentioned exposure to this game. I lamented that I wouldn't get a chance to play it, being Xbox-only. Well, imagine my surprise when I saw it was to be released on PC via Steam. Heck, I had to look up how to use my PS3 controller specifically for this.

And I wasn't at all disappointed. Admittedly, the actiony gameplay is a bit repetitive and it's not a long game (I think I clocked about 13 hours with a fairly, but not completely, thorough run). It feels good, though. The characters were generally good. And I absolutely loved the story. It isn't perfect, as there are some unexplained elements and I almost want to fanfic-in a scene to expound upon a couple things, but it's good. It's heroic, funny, joyful, tragic... touching.

[Spoiler-laden, though not a real scene...]
I was a little dissatisfied with the scene in Zeplich village, with Dust's fully origin revealed. It raises so many deeper questions. In my mind, I see sort of an extended version, in which Dust passes off the Sword of Ahrah to Elder Gray Eyes and asks them, as well as Ginger, to give him a few minutes and wait downstairs.

Then he confides in Fidget his uncertainties.

"If I was made of the souls of Jin and Cassius, but I'm not either of them, what am I? Do I even have a soul?" I also see a certain degree of fatalism at this point: "The moonbloods made me as a peerless warrior to protect them and defeat General Gaius. Even if I succeed, what does that leave me after?"

Fidget would hear his worries. And while she might not have answers, she would offer reassurance and support as she does elsewhere - sincere and heartfelt. There's clearly a friendship forged between the two, and this would add some further depth to it.

And then, I see him thanking her and steeling himself while afixing his hat back in place once more.

Returning downstairs, I see him talking to Ginger to assure her that Jin loved her and would want her to find happiness even after his self-sacrifice. There are elements of that in a later scene in Everdawn Basin, so that isn't a big deal.

But... I see him venting some at the others.

To Elder Gray Eyes: "I understand your people were desperate for protection, and you made a fine warrior for that, but you did a disservice to both Cassius and Jin, taking their souls from the Life Steam and binding them together in further struggle. You may have had the power, but you had no right to do that." Perhaps I'm projecting a little there, but it really seems a morally questionable act.

To Ahrah: "And I know you probably wanted me to walk the path I was summoned for, but you should have trusted me with the truth." The withholding of information was convenient for the narrative, but it feels like a minor betrayal, honestly.

Then: "But, stopping Gaius is still the right thing to do. Ahrah, if you'll join me, it's time to see this through."

review, video games

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